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what is the general opinion of leaving a voice mail on a sales call?Views: 629
Aug 03, 2006 9:40 pmwhat is the general opinion of leaving a voice mail on a sales call?#

Don Truss

I am a recruiter, and even though I have made more than 3,000 successful placements, I am now struggling to "crack the code" at bringing in new recruiting assignments. I see that most other recruiters make 50 telephone calls per day looking for new work, but this results in 45 voice mail messages.

What is the general opinion of leaving a detailed voice mail message describing the services I am offering?

Don Truss

Private Reply to Don Truss

Aug 03, 2006 10:06 pmre: what is the general opinion of leaving a voice mail on a sales call?#

Steffen Nielsen
Hi Don,

In my personal experience leaving a voice mail is tricky. Infact is avoid it if I can. I will rather keep calling till I get a real person on the line. The best way for me to do that is calling on odd hours, like early morning or in the evening. Decition makers often work a lot and they don't expect a "sales call" at that hour so they will pick up the phone. It also shows them that YOU are committed to your clients if YOU work "strange" hours.
If I have to leave a voice mail, I don't describe the services I offer. I describe a problem the prospect might have and how I am the solution to that problem.

I hope this helps.


Private Reply to Steffen Nielsen

Aug 04, 2006 3:23 amre: re: what is the general opinion of leaving a voice mail on a sales call?#

I get my share of voice mails from suppliers leaving details of their services. I have no patience listening to the voice mail. I usually delete after the 3rd sentence.

I figured someone who can't be bothered to keep on trying to get to talk to me must either be lazy or just not determined enough. I could be wrong, though. Still, getting a speech on my voice mail can be annoying. It's like being spammed.

Hope that helps.


Private Reply to S C

Aug 05, 2006 1:56 pmre: what is the general opinion of leaving a voice mail on a sales call?#

Sharif Khan
I've had much success in leaving strategic voice mail during my sales calls with lots of potential clients calling back. I keep my voice mails short and sweet and targeted. (It takes a while to write a good script...and YES scripts do actually work).

Conveying expertise and/or specialization helps a lot. When I was selling web-solutions I would call up home-furnishing businesses and say "we have specialized in the home-furnishing industry for over x years" and then throw in two to three names of clients in that industry along with 3 or 4 hot-button benefit statements.

Sharif Khan
Freelance Writer, Author

Private Reply to Sharif Khan

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