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Strategic Marketing & Planning [This Network is not currently active and cannot accept new posts] | | Topics
wanted some suggestions and lots of advice from you..Views: 183
Dec 02, 2006 2:09 pm re: wanted some suggestions and lots of advice from you..

Joni Garcia
Hi Aditi,

Unfortunately, there is no (what we call) "silver bullet" when it comes to getting people to sign up when they don't even know you exist.

Marketing is a process. First you have to have something the people want. Then you have to make the people aware that you exist. Then you have to communicate well what is in it for them and also why they should choose you over your competition. Then you have to be able to close the deal. All this takes time, sometimes years (the awareness part, especially).

Being at the tradeshow is a very good idea, if only to get your name out there in the marketplace. But I would keep the following in mind:

1. Trade shows are generally for lead generation. Attendees generally do not sign up or buy there unless they already know what they want. The most I think you could realistically hope for is to get qualified leads (but that is a very important part of the process!).

2. Having said that, the people have to find you easily. That means good signage in the right place with the right message.

3. The right message would be something that would get them to stop.

4. Once they stop, you have to be ready to communicate what's in it for them; why they should buy your product or service. Show VALUE.

5. You should take the time to qualify leads so you don't waste your time or materials on people who really aren't interested.

6. For those that are interested, make it easy for them to leave their contact information (for further marketing purposes).

7. It's a good idea to have some kind of take-away for them: at least a brochure on what you offer, but also some kind of useful thing. A poster they would hang up or a gadget they would keep attached or near their computer so your logo is always in front of them reminding them you exist.

8. After the tradeshow, have a plan in place to follow up on those leads and that's when you will most likely get people to sign up.

I'm assuming you do have a logo, business cards and marketing materials. If not, you absolutely have to have those first. All marketing materials should emphasize what's in it for them from your audience's point of view, not yours. Therefore, knowing your audience is crucial.

Private Reply to Joni Garcia (new win)

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