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Seven Secrets of Compelling CopyViews: 536
Jun 01, 2006 10:46 pmSeven Secrets of Compelling Copy#

Denise Michaels

If you own a business and get people to buy on the Internet (or would like to) your job is to write copy that's downright compelling and makes readers want to say "yes" and buy from you.

People don't buy when the description of a product or service is dry or dull - they only buy when it's emotionallly captivating and makes them say, "Wow! That's for me!!"

So, how do you do that? Here are seven secrets to get you started.

First - know your ideal customer. What makes one person's heart sing may be totally different from someone else. Discovering the core values (used to be called their "hot button") of your ideal customer BEFORE you write a word can be the most important thing you do.

Second - Think benefits, not process. We do what we do because we love the "process." The steps, tools or whatever you want to call it. Love it. But your ideal customer couldn't care less. All they care about are the results. And that's what you should communicate in your copy.

Third - I'm a strong believer in direct marketing as opposed to image advertising. I believe you get a lot more bang for your buck AND you move prospective customers through the steps of A.I.D.A (attention, interest, desire and action) MUCH more quickly and less expensively.

Fourth - Unless you have limited physical space - like a display ad - don't worry about word count. Okay, I know that some people will take issue with this. My strongly held belief is that if they are interested it can't be too long and if they are NOT interested it can't be too short.

Hey, what you should be concerned about is boring them to tears. Boring is the kiss of death in marketing copy. But long and compelling copy that really provides your product or service as "the answer" will grab 'em every time.

Fifth - Let others brag about you. Getting people to write testimonials can be one of the most impactful things you can do to get people to buy happily. When someone says something great about your product or service ask them, "Would you be willing to put that in a testimonial I can use for my marketing?" Most people will say "yes."

Sixth - Tell them what you want them to do. People need what's known as a "call to action." Don't expect them to take a subtle hint. Tell them the steps to take to get the benefits you've been sharing with them.

Seventh - your PS. Yes, most of us think of a postscript as an insignificant little add-on but its crucial to writing compelling copy that will get results for you. Why? Since 75% of the population are "skimmers" most people read the headline at the top and then skim all the way to the bottom of the letter and then decide if they want to read more in the middle. So the power of your PS is very important to the success of your compelling selling copy.

There's a lot more to copywriting then this - but these are some good basics that will help you get on the right track so that you write copy that makes people excited about buying.

All the best,

Denise Michaels
Bride to Be - June 10th
Author, "Testosterone-Free Marketing"
Moderator, "Real Women - Real Business" network on ryze.

PS: I'm offering my $150 ebook, "Secrets of Money-Making Sales Letters" now through my wedding date - June 10th - for an amazing $29.97 Crazy? Yes. But isn't every bride to be about a week or so before her wedding? For more info go to: http://www.ryze.com/posttopic.php?topicid=692543&confid=892 then if you'd like one send me a private message with the email address you use for PayPal and I'll get it out to you as soon as I get paid.

Private Reply to Denise Michaels

Jun 27, 2006 2:39 amre: Seven Secrets of Compelling Copy#

Cijaye DePradine
Thank you very much for your awesome tips Denise.

Hope the sales of your book are going well.


Private Reply to Cijaye DePradine

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